SPAR is the world’s largest voluntary food retail chain, serving 13.5 million customers every day across 13,112 stores in 48 countries. With over 350,000 employees, SPAR’s 2018 turnover was 35.8 billion euros, an increase of 5.4% from the previous year.

The company implemented a BI solution to improve its reporting and management based on key performance indicators.

The solution includes:

Data Collection and Centralized Storage

SPAR collects reporting data from its business units and stores it in a centralized location.

Prompt Reporting

The solution allows SPAR to receive reports in a timely manner.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Management

The solution provides insights into critical business areas to help management make informed decisions.

Other functionalities of the solution include:

Sales Volume Analysis:

The solution compares the sales volume to similar periods in the previous years.

Product Sales Ranking:

The solution ranks products based on their sales performance.

Combined ABC Analysis:

The solution categorizes products based on their importance and profitability.

Sales Plan Fulfillment Analysis:

The solution evaluates the achievement of sales targets.

Discount Product Sales Share Analysis:

The solution analyzes the share of discount products in total sales.

Checks Analysis:

The solution distributes the amount by working hours and days, minimum, average, and maximum amount.

Custom Analytical Views:

The solution enables building custom analytical views based on the prepared tool library (indicators and measurements).

Overall, SPAR’s BI implementation has provided the company with a centralized platform to collect, store and analyze data across its business units. This has improved the company’s decision-making abilities, providing insights into the key performance indicators that matter the most.

Here are some examples of how BI can be used in B2C/food retail:

These are just a few examples of how BI can be used in B2C/food retail. With the right data and analytics tools, retailers can gain valuable insights into their operations and make informed decisions that can drive business growth and profitability.